Many times the thoughts concerning your own death include the worrying of the family and their capability of coping with the many questions a death of a family member brings before them. You don’t want to burden your close ones unnecessarily with practical or financial problems. Many people – especially loney ones – may worry about the fact that there is nobody who would take care of the funeral arrangements.
The members of the Finnish Association of Funeral Services provide two different ways of letting your close ones know about your wishes regarding your funerals.
My funeral arrangements -booklet
The person planning his/her funerals may fill in a booklet where the details of funeral arrangements can be filled in in the extent the person wants to. The booklet may be given to the person you wish to take care of the funeral arrangements. At least it is good to let the close ones know, where the booklet is. A copy of the booklet may be given for the funeral home. Hautajaisjärjestelyni-vihkoseen (Mina begravningsarrangemang).
You can pick up the booklet from the funeral homes that are members of the Finnish Association of Funeral Services. The booklet is available in Finnish and Swedish.
Funeral Testament
The Funeral Testament is a system developed by the Finnish Association of Funeral Services. The person making the will may order the arrangements of his/her funerals. The testament is signed and proofed as any testament. Two copies are made, the other one for the person making the testament, the other for the funeral home.
With the testament there is always a plan for funeral, in which the person listst the services and products he/she wants. A person may simply state one important thing, for example the choice between burial and cremation, or a detailt plan of the funeral arrangements may be made.
The testament usually states that the costs of the funeral are taken from the estate. A pre-need agreement on funerals may also be made.
The Funeral Testament is always made at a funeral home that is a member of the Finnish Association of Funeral Services. The plan attached to the testament requires negociations and the presentation of different choices.
It is very important, that you tell your close ones or friends about your Funeral Testament. A copy of the testament is good to keep in a place where it can be easily found by the family or friends. It is not possible to keep in a bank vault, as the vault is usueally opened after the funeral for the estate inventory.